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Theme 6: How the Bible still matters

In this theme…

a.       What is your favourite Bible story?

b.       Is the Bible still relevant?

c.       What are some of the ways that the Bible functions in the lives and practices of Christians?

d.       How do we use it to make decisions about stuff that is not mentioned in there?

e. Should the Bible be normative for people other than Christians? Should we expect that?

1.        What appeals to you about hearing others tell about their favourite Bible story? What do you notice about the way they tell their story?

2.     Identify a story or character from the Bible that made an impact on you. What was it about the story that made such an impact?

3.      In what ways might you explore that story further? Consider exploring the context out of which the story was written, finding other versions of the story or just reading it several times over to revisit the characters and message.

1. What elements of Sarah’s response resonate with you?

2. In what other ways have you known the Bible to be   relevant, perhaps in your own life, or in the lives of  others?

3. If someone asked you at a barbeque, ‘What do people see in the Bible?’ what might you say in response?

4. Keep an eye out while you watch television, or read, or listen this week. Take a note of the times when Biblical texts, themes or characters are mentioned in everyday life. Why does this happen (or why doesn’t it)?

1. Think of a time when the Bible came alive for you or for someone you know. Why did that happen?

2. What is the place of the Bible in your life? How does it make a difference?

3. Have you ever read the Bible in deliberately different ways?

4. Which reading techniques did you use, and what did you discover?

5. Find out more about the Bible reading practice called Lectio Divina here

1.        The Bible moves along deep trajectories - to do with love, justice, equality, empowerment and liberation. What are some of the others?

2. The Bible contains ancient texts that were not self-help manuals. Do you agree with the idea that knowing it well can provide a way through tough situations? How might that work?

3.      In what ways has your appreciation of the Bible provided inspiration, reassurance or understanding for you in your times of need?

1. What are your thoughts on the Bible’s place in a secular world?

2. How would you like our world to learn about it?

3. Raise your own awareness of what others think of the  Bible—simply keep your eyes and ears open to how others use the    Bible, when they speak of it, and the place it holds for them. See if you can learn from others more ways to appreciate the Bible.

4. If you find yourself with some time on your hands, design a social awareness campaign to raise the profile of the Bible! Dream about where your posters, tweets, Instagram and Facebook posts would reach! The world is your oyster!