2020- Valedictory Eucharist - What a joyful occasion!

The 2020 St Francis College Valedictory Eucharist was a joyous celebration as we thanked God for the graduating students and for the outgoing academic year. We congratulate Gemma Dashwood, Quinn Humphreys, Elizabeth McConnell, Angela McNeill and Matthew Skelton and look forward to their ordination as deacons. We also congratulate the 2020 Prize Winners:
The Canon Ivor Church Encouragement Bursary for a first or second year student: Lorraine Lynch
The Jessie Worthy Prize for contribution to the community life of St Francis College, presented by Rev’d Helen Paget on behalf of the SFC Alumni: Melissa Conway
The David Hughes Memorial Bursary for a student from, or interested in serving in a rural area: Loretta Tyler-Moss
The John Howard Steer Bursary for a St Francis College student: Gary Tognola
The Archdeacon Reginald Massey Award for contribution to the musical life of St Francis College: Gemma Dashwood
The St Francis College Senior Student Award: Elizabeth McConnell
Melissa Conway was announced Senior Student for 2021 and received the traditional light-sabre from out-going Senior Student Elizabeth McConnell.

St Francis College acknowledges the generous CPE scholarships provided to students by the Mother’s Union Brisbane and for the donation of diocesan stoles for each student who is to be ordained. We also thank the Girl’s Friendly Society for two scholarships awarded to students working in children’s ministry: Liam Carlton-Jones and Steve Parker.

A generous gift from the 2020 valedictorians was presented to St Francis College Principal, Bishop Jonathan Holland by Senior Student Elizabeth McConnell.