Opening hours

The Library is open from Monday to Friday from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. Access beyond these hours is available to students who are currently enrolled through St Francis College.

Details of opening hours during vacations will be made available in the Library.


Who can borrow?

  • St Francis College Faculty, Staff and Sessional Lecturers

  • All those actively involved in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland

  • Students enrolled at the University of Divinity

  • Registered reciprocal borrowers

  • Others, by arrangement with the Library Manager ($75 annual fee)

Loan arrangements

Most borrowers, for example, undergraduates and Clergy, can borrow up to 12 items for two weeks. Graduate Diploma Students and Sessional Staff can borrow up to 12 items for four weeks. PhD/Masters/Honours students and Faculty can borrow up to 24 items for four weeks. Closed Reserve Twin items (yellow stickers) and Short Term Loan items (green stickers) have half the usual borrowing period and cannot be renewed. These items need to be returned for at least a week before being borrowed again by the same person.

Mobile App

On the home page of the catalogue are details about the Roscoe Library mobile app, Liberty Link. This app allows you to search, reserve and borrow resources using your phone.

How do I replace a book damaged or lost whilst in my care?

Accidents happen and items can be mislaid. If an item from the library is damaged or lost whilst in your care, it is important that you replace it in a timely manner (there are some instances where items are not replaced; if in doubt, please check with library staff before proceeding). Our preferred procedure is:

  • obtain ISBN from catalogue record

  • go to [this site provides a list of suppliers and lists them from cheapest to most expensive] and search for the item

  • purchase item, placing our address in the delivery field [Roscoe Library, St Francis College, 233 Milton Rd, Milton 4064]

  • keep the library staff informed as to what is happening with the item; we will advise you when it arrives.

Sometimes, the same title can be published by a different publisher and the ISBN will be different. If, at the time of replacement, you prefer to replace the item with one that has a different ISBN from the one on the catalogue record, please check with the library staff ahead of your purchase.



Main Collection

The Main Collection, as its name suggests, is home to the bulk of the library’s resources. The Dewey System is used for classification and, as this is a specialist theological library, most items are from the 200s (Religion). 

The collection consists of a broad spectrum of resources from academic works to more practical items, and these range across a variety of formats from print books to DVDs and CDs. There are some wonderful picture books which could be used when working with groups of children (or adults!) or enjoyed within the family. All items all available for borrowing.


With the introduction of eBooks+audiobooks@Roscoe, access to quality theological resources is now a reality for all those actively involved in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland.

Resources are being added on a regular basis across all areas, including ministry, spiritual direction, biblical studies, theology, church history, and youth, children and families. Register here to access resources from the Roscoe Library, including our eBooks + audiobooks.

Closed Reserve Collection

Each academic session, key texts for units being taught are taken from the Main Collection and set aside in the Closed Reserve Collection from which they cannot be borrowed. These are texts that the lecturers believe all students should have ready access to throughout the academic session.

Reference Collection

This collection holds dictionaries, encyclopedias, Bibles, commentaries, lexicons, atlases, prayer books, hymn books, style manuals, year books and who’s who. These are used to answer general reference enquiries, to define topics and to get brief, but scholarly, overviews of areas.

These resources need to be always available, and are therefore not allowed to be borrowed.

Serials Collection

Around 150 journals can be found in this collection, some dating back to the nineteenth century. We acknowledge that our current students now access most of their journal articles online, however we still maintain subscriptions to a few print journals.

Special Collection

The Old Bishopsbourne Heritage Collection includes resources from the libraries of people of significance to the Anglican Church in Queensland especially Benjamin Glennie, Montagu Stone-Wigg, David Garland, George Halford, Felix Arnott and Ivor Church, together with other treasured older resources.


Items in stack may not reflect current scholarship but will be of interest for historical reasons. These items are available for loan.


We now only accept for consideration academic volumes published during the last twenty years, or items that are ‘classics’ if published earlier.  If you are wishing to donate items that meet these criteria, please contact the staff prior to bringing them to the library. Given our time and space considerations, we are unable to accept unsolicited donations.

Books are accepted on the understanding that they will be assessed in accordance with the Roscoe Library Collection Development Policy. Those items not selected for inclusion in the main library collection may be offered to students or discarded.

Renew loans

Loans can be renewed using the Liberty Link app or via the catalogue.

Click the Login link on the right-hand side of the catalogue screen.

Enter your username and password.
[Username is usually lowercase first and last names without a space e.g. suesmith. 
If you do not know your password, click the Forgotten your password? link on the login page; this will generate an email that will allow you to create a new password.]

Under the My Portal Summary, select the Current Loans option.

Click the renewal icons that appear next to your loans.




Photocopying and printing facilities are available for a small fee. This is paid to library staff prior to use. You can scan and email material for free.

WiFi Access

Wireless internet access is available. Library staff can supply the necessary details.